Xunzhuo Liu

It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves

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About Xunzhuo Liu

Xunzhuo Liu is a Software Engineer working at Tencent. Open Source Enthusiast. Life Adventurer.

  • CNCF Ambassador
  • Linux Foundation Open Source Evangelist
  • Focusing on API Gateway, Service Mesh, Kubernetes Networking.
  • Multiple open source projects maintainer like EnvoyProxy, Istio, etc.
  • Years of experiences on Open Source Community.
  • Independent Musician | Guitar Player | Fitness Enthusiast
  • Film Fan | Traveler | PS5 Gamer | Psychology Beginner
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Introduce New Website!

I have put a lot of thought and effort into refactoring my website for several reasons:

  • Multi Languages Support: English and Chinese are my main focus.
  • Multi Sections Support: Blog, Talks, Projects, Gallery and About.
  • Easier to be maintained in long-term built on Netlify, GitHub, Hugo.
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Watch Speeches and Tutorials

I will regularly participate in community speeches and record technical tutorial videos. They will be uploaded all on my website.

  • Speeches at Open Source Conference like KubeCon
  • Speeches at Open Source Meetup
  • Tutorials of TKE Container Network
  • Tutorials of Envoy Gateway
  • Tutorials of EnvoyProxy
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Open Source Community

As an open source maintainer, I love participating open source community. I will share my experiences on OSS like below:

  • Envoy Gateway
  • EnvoyProxy
  • Istio
  • Kubernetes Gateway API
  • Kubernetes Ingress2Gateway
  • ……
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Share Thoughts and Insights

I enjoy exploring many things in life, and will share them with you, like recently I have been exploring knowledge related to psychology.

  • Psychology
  • Music / Guitar
  • Fitness
  • Travel / Photographs
  • Customized Keyboards / Deskup Setup / Headphones
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